My "Bling Bling Obsessions"

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Recently, I am very into 'Bling Bling". When friends 1st saw my Bling Bling items,

their reactions were unanimous, it's "几岁了". But hey, Bling Bling is regardless of age ok!
What do you think? It's not only me, I think I caught the virus from my sister.
I have photos to proof.

The front of my handphone with Kuromi. I didn't photoshopped the photos. It's really that bling bling. Can guess what model I'm using?

The back of the handphone with Hello Kitty

My Bling Bling Hello Kitty watch. Hmm..maybe it's not bling enough.
But I like cos the face is super big.

My Macbook. I'm still thinking how I can make it more bling...hehehe!

The details of the bling bling on my macbook

My Bling Bling Mary Jane

Close up of the Shoes. It's actually not really very bling bling.

Another pair of shoes with one very big bling.

Close up of the big bling.

My sis's collection of Bling Bling items:

This is the back of my sis's handphone (model: LG KE970). Very Bling and nice!!

The front of my sis's ipod. Nice rite? I think my ipod will be my next project

This is the back of the ipod. The coloured part is actually her name in Katakana.

This is her bling bling shoes. Doesn't look bling bling like that?

This is the close up. Very Bling Bling rite??