JB Trip (01/May-Public Holiday)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Went JB with Junie and my sis..Nana was supposed to meet us but she was held up last min.

It has been quite sometime since I went JB even though it's so near.
I didn't buy much, but eat quite alot. Hahaha!

We went Sushi King for Lunch at City Sqaure:
Jelly Fish

Colourful spicy tuna roll (using colourful soy sheet)

Hard boiled egg deep fried with crab stick mayo

Curry tempura rice

Curry Croquette rice

Curry Kasu rice

3 of us had this macha soya bean milk

Red ice tea complimentary with 2 curry set meal

After lunch and some shopping, we had our "pit stop": (donuts from Dunkin Donuts)
Green tea flavour swirl donut

Blueberry filled donuts

Strawberry swirl donut

It's dinner time at Kenny Roger's:
Unlike in Singapore where there is only the corn muffin, you got to choose from 3 flavours:
Vanilla, Chocolate and banana

Quarter chicken in original with potato salad, coleslaw and mac & cheese

Quarter chicken in black pepper sauce, garden salad and mac & cheese