Macau and Hong Kong Trip (01/Aug/08 ~ 06/Aug/08)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Went for a 1 day Macau and 5 days Hong Kong Trip with Nana.

Dawn and Sng were on their 5 days Trip to Hong Kong on the same day too,
so we sort of meet them in Hong Kong for this trip.
Actually, Dawn's the one who persuaded us to go.
Imagine, only after 10 months and we are back in Hong Kong.

DAY 1 (01/Aug/08) :
Took the morning (9:25am) flight (by Tiger air) to Macau.
Arrived in Macau at 1pm and went straight to Venetian Resort to deposit our luggage.

Venetian's lobby:

On our way to St Paul's Ruins

Along the streets to St Paul's Ruins

Can you see St Paul's Ruins from a distance?

St Paul's Ruins

Le Senado Square

After a bit of sight seeing and photo taking, we were for our very late lunch at a Portuguese Restaurant near Senado Square:

I order pork chop with special sauce

Nana ordered the Cod Fish patties with pie

After St Paul's Ruins and Senado Square, it's back to Venetian:

Venetian is huge! and the interior is really breath-taking!
A picture says a thousand words (and I have taken more than a picture, haha)

Then it's bye bye Macau, Hello Hong Kong!

We took the First Ferry to Hong Kong, it's the 2nd last ferry and they left 1st class seats.

Our free meal that comes with our 1st class seats (not bad eh!)

Portuguese egg tarts that we brought back from Macau

Arranged to meet Dawn & Sng in Mongkok and the 1st place we go is 许留山

We ordered:
mango dessert (forgot what is this called)

Mango ice cream with mango and pomelo

Papaya dessert (also forgot what is this called)

Pan fried carrot cake

Carrot cake with XO sauce

Without a trace..all finished

DAY 2 (02/AUG/08):
Went our favourite place for breakfast.
We came here before last year with Junie,
this small restaurant is just within walking distance from our hostel:
The menu

Pan fried carrot cake

油条wrapped in chee chong fan

fried mee

century egg and pork porridge

egg with toast

noodles with luncheon meat and bacon

chee chong fan (prawns)

my soya bean milk

glutinous rice dumpling

After our long hours of shopping, we went to this restaurant near Langham Place.
The name of the restaurant is called Modern Toilet...
Yes, toilet...

our seat is actually the toilet bowl

our table is the sink

Have you lost your appetite after looking at all these??

I ordered a chocolate milk tea that is served in a cup that looks like a urinal:

We orded:
Fried fish cake? (I really can't remember)

Pasta with pumpkin soup

Fried chicken

Potato skins

Our dessert:

Shaved ice and ice cream...super huge and weird

What we had for dinner:
Baked rice (Pork)

Chicken rice

hot plate (beef, fish and sausage)

comes with soup

and fries

DAY 3 (03/AUG/08):
Did what most people in Hong Kong do in the morning..
Yum Cha!

They have a big bowl of hot water for us to "sterilise our utensils"


chicken feet (Dawn's favourite)

Char siew buns
chee chong fan (char siew)

fried prawn fritters

Har kaw

fish porridge

sharks fins dumplings

siew mai

pan fried carrot cake

spring roll with yam

fried squid

Tea break time:
lime drink with "eggs(jelly)"

ice macha with grass jelly

roast goose

meat platter

roast pigeon with rice

baby kailan

Snack time:
po lo bun

egg tart



DAY 4 (04/AUG/08):
woke up late, was supposed to meet Dawn & Sng at Disneyland at 2.30pm.
went for Macdonald's before setting off:

Cute Hello Kitty cups

Grilled chicken burger

Crispy chicken burger

After our "brunch", it's off to disneyland:
Disneyland train and station

Outside Disneyland's main entrance

Disneyland here we come!

our tickets


Entrance of Disneyland and Sleeping Beauty's castle

the Street

Snack Time:
Turkey drumstick

Dinner is at the Banquet Hall:

our utensils

Burger with fries

Mickey pizza

chicken chop

fish and chips

curry chicken with naan

Disneyland at night

One the train on our way back to our hostel in Mongkok:

DAY 5 (05/AUG/08):
It's Dawn & Sng's last day in Hong Kong.
Brunch is at MacDonald's at Citygate:

milk tea that comes with sugar syrup

All 4 of us had this big n tasty burger:

After shopping at citygate and bidding farewell to Dawn and Sng,
Nana and I continue with our shopping:

Coach flagshop in Central (so nice!)

Had our last dinner in Hong Kong at KFC:
waffle fries


chicken bake rice

mash potatoes

mushroom sauce rice

DAY 6 (06/AUG/08):
On our last day in Hong Kong, we experience Typhoon no 8.

on our way to the airport, all bus services were suspended and we were lucky to be able to hail a cab.

Typhoon no 8 announcement

Our lunch before boarding the plane:

Our set meal comes with noodles and either the dumplings or 锅贴:

Our luggage:
Left side is mine and right side is Nana's

Overall, it was a very fun, enjoyable and fruitful trip.
Will upload on my loot from Hong Kong later.
So stay tuned.....