My recent Purchases

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Barely a week after my trip to Hong Kong and I'm spending $$.
HELP ME!!! I have to control!!!

Finally got this dress from online spree a month ago
Nearly forgotten about it

Got this T-shirt from Far East Plaza last Sat.
Liked the colours and there is supposed to be a pocket at the side which I also like,
but when I brought this home, I couldn't find the pocket!!

Bought this T-shirt from Giodarno.
Long story...
saw this T-shirt at the Giodarno in Hong Kong,
wanted to buy but find the price abit steep for a T-shirt (HKD$220).
Up to my last day in Hong Kong, I was still deciding whether to buy and
I told myself if there is a Giodarno at the Hong Kong Airport, I will buy..
But couldn't find...
Then I saw this T-shirt in Singapore and it's selling cheaper than in Hong Kong!!
Of course I have to grab!!